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Sitting at a light on US 1 in Rockledge around 9PM. I didn’t know I stopped on the white stop line, so when the light turned green my wife and I spun around laid the bike down facing the opposite direction in less than a second. It took longer just to figure out what just happened and not to get hit.
Leaning to far and almost falling off
4 years ago during the first weekend of Daytona Bike week I was riding behind two friends that took the right turn at the last minute and the two bikes wrecked and went down. Then the last weekend my girlfriend was taking a right turn and a bike that was behind her, not paying attention, ran straight into her back tire pushing the bike right out from under her.
The night the lady side-swiped me and killed Diamond Dave
Look forward to reading the stories.
I don’t actually own a motorcycle but my scariest moment was with my family on vacation in Key Largo about 5 years ago. We were sitting at a red light and all of a sudden we hear tires screeching and a motorcycle coming from behind us, go past us, right through the red light, clipping a car and skidding the rest of the way through the light. The motorcycle skidded one way and the driver another way! We pulled over–blocked the driver so he didn’t get hit by anybody else–called the police and waited for him until help arrived. His head was bleeding and he was pretty banged up but thank God he was ok. I had my kids promise me right there and then they would never own a motorcycle!
April 28,2004. Had a very bad spill on the Pineda Causeway. I was out of commission, literally, for several months. Brad helped me out with that one!
My scariest was watching a car flipping a U turn right into my trike on St Rt 3. Then just laying there awaiting the EMS.
Don’t know how much detail you want, but coming back from bike week, watching a friend lose control and see him flop around like the crash dummy. It terrified me almost to the point of not getting back on the bike.
My scariest moment would have to be when my husband and I where riding and I watched a car attempt to change lanes into the same lane as my husband. I thought I was going to see him go down in front of me. He honked and luckily they realized the lane was occupied and jerked their car back over. I bought him air horns the next day.
Going to a memorial service on my bike in the middle of a intersection in front of a cemetery i was waved through at same time a flower truck also pulled out and a Hurst and afew cars. I swerved to miss the flower truck only to come face to face with a Hurst i still cant fiqure out how i and the others all missed each other. And it was the first time i ever saw a Jewish rabbi cross himself. I think he instantly converted that day.
I think the scariest moment on my bike was one day I was riding through Cocoa Beach. This really nice looking girl in a bikini was looking for a ride home. Being the nice guy that I am, I asked her to hop on. Everything was great until my wife pulled up along side of us at the next red light. Next to this, putting my bike down and sliding under a pick up truck was a piece of cake.
Funny how wife’s just don’t seem to have a sense of humor.
It was 11 0’Clock at night (dark) on a 4 lane highway. I was in the left lane when the truck several car lengths ahead of me went into the turning lane to the left to cross the highway and I saw its headlights and tail lights fine. I stayed in the left lane and saw the truck awaiting a break in traffic to cross the highway. I continued at my speed when I saw the “black” enclosed trailer hitched to the truck still in my lane and since it was side ways and “black” with no reflection tape or reflectors and its taillights were no facing me, I had to make a decision NOW or hit the side of the trailer. I went to the right very quickly to say the least between two vehicles and back into the left lane again. All done without wetting my pants. The trailer was side ways and all black and it matched the night’s darkest. Yes, I watch for black trailers being towed now especially at night.
Traveling down a highway approaching an on ramp and watching the car that’s on the ramp, knowing that he or she has no intention at all of yielding the right of way. This even though they have a red yield sign in front of them, and I have nowhere to go to avoid being run over.
Seeing a semi coming up behind me at 70 plus mph in my rear view and I was going 40 mph and he never slowed down. I ditched it on the right shoulder of the road just in time. Mike Coppage. 321-452-4000
Ran Barney the ex-cop bike into the neighbors mailbox!
i was heading home on my bike and i came upon a bike accident and the helecopter was taking off it was my wife being airlifted and my daughter in the ambulance.
Wow! Ed, I can not imagine that. My stomach turned reading your post. God Bless you. If you don’t mind me asking – how is your wife and daughter? Harold
I think my scariest moment was one Saturday when I was riding up to the clubhouse from Melbourne and I was sitting at a stoplight on US1 at the corner of us 1 and Parkway when I hear the some tires behind me screeching and looked in the mirror and realized the car was not going to stop so I had to run through the red light before the car hit me.
While this may not be the scariest, as no accident or injury was involved, it was still rather alarming. This was in 2010 and I had taken a trip from Melbourne to Fulton NY (near Syracuse.) The trip certainly had its’ moments, including:
• Luggage flying off the bike while driving on 95
• Map Quest provided the wrong exit # in DC taking me through the HEART of DC instead of around the city
• My bike falling over while parked on the side of the highway
• And who can forget the 6 hours of driving rain coming out of NY and through Pa as I returned to sunny Florida.
But the incident I’m referring to is how God surprised and provided.
I was riding the Blue Ridge mount and as you might know, signage is a rarity in “them there parts.” It was getting late (approaching 7PM) and I was running low on gas. I normally get about 155 miles per tank when I need the reserve. It had been raining and misting on this day and the sun was beginning to make its’ decent as I notice I’m riding about 145 miles into the tank of gas. I began praying an exit would be coming up soon.
I remember seeing some sign about some exit but I felt I should have come upon that by now. Looking down, I’m at 153 miles and no exit in sight. The miles continue to rack up, 159! Now, I get that sick feeling, “am I already in my reserve?” Is it ‘lever up’ = reserve or down???
God! I need gas, a place to sleep and food! That was my prayer.
162… 165… still no signs suggesting any exit is coming soon. 168… FINALLY an exit sign – but none of them tell you if there is gas, food or lodging. I guess that’s part of the mystique of riding the mountain.
Well, I was dumped off at Tuggles Gap and just about to take a right in search of answers to my prayers… gas, food and lodging! Just as I was about to pull out, I heard a motorcycle approaching from my left. As I looked, I could see off in the distance a very old Gulf sign. (I had not seen that when I first stopped and looked.) I turned left and about ½ mile down the road was Gas, Food, and Lodging! Just like Route 66 from the 60’s it was all in one spot.
As I park at the pumps, my trip meter read 169.4 miles. I’ve never gotten that type of mileage out of a tank before or since, and I was not in my reserve. My average mpg is generally around 42. I believe I calculated about 53mpg! That’s a blessing.
A side note, while enjoying dinner, I meet US Congressman Rick Bougher, 9th District of Virginia – got the photo to prove it!
I was heading south on Minton road as I approached the traffic light just after Henry road, there was a car in the left turning lane from the north end of Minton. The vehicle pulled out into my lane causing me to swerve Ito the lane next too at the last minute, barely avoiding their car and the car I un expectantly cut off switching lanes
The first time I ever drove my Bike, forgot that I control the gas with my hand and as I made my first turn , my hand turns and I am now onto my first turn at 50 MPH. Went off the road into the grass and back onto the road. Hubby, sitting in back of me hits the kill switch. All I could say was ” I think I need to practice turning.” Good
thing we go to where there is no traffic for my lessons.