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Sinclair News
Melbourne, Palm Bay, Cocoa Beach, Titusville, and Brevard County

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Recent News:

Florida Governor Signs Texting Ban Law

Governor Rick Scott today 5/28/13  signed SB 52 at Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High School, banning the use of wireless communications devices while driving. Governor Scott said, “As a father and a grandfather, texting while driving is something that...

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Florida’s Ban on Texting

On 4/16/13, the Florida Senate voted 46-0 on a bill creating Florida Statute 316.305. This statute creates the "Florida Ban on Texting While Driving Law" providing legislative intent, prohibiting the operation of a motor vehicle while using a wireless...

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Sinclair Law Offices and Matt’s Casbah are excited to announce the upcoming “Bikes of Days Gone By” antique motorcycle show, to take place in historic downtown Melbourne in front of Matt’s Casbah on Saturday, April 13, 2013. Motorcycle...

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Driving Tips During the Holiday Season

Aggressive driving is a major concern of the American public and a real threat to the safety of all road users. In a survey conducted by the AAA Foundation, nearly 9 in 10 respondents said they believed aggressive drivers were a “somewhat” or “very serious” threat to...

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Cellphone and Texting Laws

Talking on a hand-held cellphone while driving is banned in 10 states (California, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Washington, and West Virginia) and the District of Columbia.  Except for Maryland and West Virginia (until...

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Is Florida Wrongly Ticketing Motorcycle Riders?

MELBOURNE, Florida (October 10, 2011) – Florida has started to crack down wrongly on motorcyclists with vertical mounted license plates. The current Florida statute allows vertical plates to be affixed that can be read top to bottom, however normal horizontally...

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$625k / Motorcycle Accident / Compound Fracture leg / Brevard County, FL – 17 year old male operating a motorcycle when defendant made left turn into him, crushing his leg. This case involved minimal coverage in the amount of $25k. After extensive investigation and discovery, we were able to obtain an additional $600k due to lack of properly signed forms by two of the insurance companies.

$575k / Automobile Accident / Facial Surgery / Brevard County, FL – 29 year old male automobile driver struck commercial vehicle that made an illegal left turn. This case involved heavily contested liability. Injuries resulted in face and jaw surgery.

$625k / Motorcycle Accident / Compound Fracture leg / Brevard County, FL – 17 year old male operating a motorcycle when defendant made left turn into him, crushing his leg. This case involved minimal coverage in the amount of $25k. After extensive investigation and discovery, we were able to obtain an additional $600k due to lack of properly signed forms by two of the insurance companies.

$800K / Motorcycle Accident / Back Surgery / Brevard Country, FL-44 year old male operating a motorcycle when defendant made a left turn directly in front of him. Insurance company heavily contested injuries and liability prior to settlement

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