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Obviously, no one enjoys riding in the rain but if you have to, there are some common sense things to remember.  When you’re driving in your car or truck, you’re protected from the rain. When you’re riding a motorcycle, you’re exposed to the elements. However, motorcycles do offer some advantages in wet weather. They provide a superior view of the road, easy maneuverability, and more escape routes from any potentially dangerous situations.

If you’re riding in the rain, remember the following tips from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation:

  • Aim for smooth control. Be gentle with your brakes and throttle, but balance your grip. When you’re riding in the rain, aim to complete your turns before you accelerate.
  • Avoid last-minute reactions whenever possible. In wet weather, you must plan ahead to determine when you will need to accelerate or brake. Using engine braking for corners and junctions will reduce the risk of skidding.

Avoiding hazards is extremely important in the rain. Watch out for the following obstacles when you’re riding your motorcycle in wet weather:

  • Slick concrete surfaces
  • Manhole covers
  • Railroad tracks
  • Puddles
  • Potholes
  • Oil spills

When you’re purchasing tires for your motorcycle, avoid tires that are labeled as "long-lasting" if you plan to do a lot of riding in wet weather. Many motorcycle owners think this purchase is a good way to save money. However, these tires are typically less tacky and can’t provide enough traction to keep you safe in wet weather.