Sinclair Law works hard to stay up-to-date on the latest in Florida laws and upcoming laws. We have some updates on bill CS/SB 102: Drivers Leaving the Scene of a Crash:
This Florida bill just came out of the Appropriations Committee with a 17-0 vote so it is on it’s way to becoming law. The intent is to try to establish stiffer penalties for people who leave the scene of a crash with injuries. It also defines “Vulnerable Road Users” to include folks on motorcycles. Below is a summary of the bill’s provisions. We will keep you posted on it’s progress.
CS/SB 102: Drivers Leaving the Scene of a Crash
Drivers Leaving the Scene of a Crash; Creating the “Aaron Cohen Life Protection Act”; requiring the driver of a vehicle involved in a crash that results in serious bodily injury to a person to immediately stop the vehicle and remain at the scene of the crash; providing that a person commits a felony of the second degree if he or she fails to stop the vehicle and remain at the scene of the crash until specified requirements are fulfilled; requiring the court to revoke for at least 3 years the driver license of a person convicted of leaving the scene of a crash involving injury, serious bodily injury, or death, etc.
If you’re the victim of an automobile accident, you need a personal injury attorney at your side to help you through the process. Contact us at Sinclair Law – we’re here to go the extra mile for you.