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On September 1st, 2009, The State of Florida will increase the registration fee on all vehicles for both new and renewals for cars, motorcycles, boats, trucks, trailers, etc….

Under the new fee schedule, established by the Florida Legislature, automobile registration renewals will increase 100% in some cases depending on the vehicle’s type and weight. Also Driver’s License fees are going up an additional $26. A complete list of fee increases is available at the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles web site, This is the first increase of some of the more common registration fees since the 1980s.

Some good news for residents whose birthdays are before Dec. 1 can beat the rate increase by renewing early.

Residents whose birthdays are:

* On or before Aug. 31 can renew at the current rate by Aug. 31;
* In September can renew early at the current rate by Aug. 31;
* In October can renew early at the current rate between July 1 and Aug. 31; or
* In November can renew early at the current rate between Aug. 1 and 31.

The bottom line is that in previous years, it didn’t really matter whether you renewed months in advance or waited until the last minute because it’s been decades since Florida increased the rate for vehicle tags. This year, waiting will cost you.