In the state of Florida you are required by law to carry Liability Insurance on your cars, trucks and motorcycles. To be more exact, the law says you must have a minimum of $10,000 personal injury protection (PIP) and $10,000 property damage liability (PDL). The law further states that if you have a history of vehicular accidents or have been convicted of certain crimes such as DUI (Driving Under the influence) or reckless driving, the Florida DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) can request that you carry further insurance such as BIL such as (Bodily Injury Liability) coverage.
The idea behind this law is twofold. One, it helps ensure that innocent victims are not left without the means of having their vehicles and selves taken care of in the event of minor accidents and two, considering how low the minimums are, it assures the Florida insurance industry of a captive source of income.All that being said, what can you expect in the aftermath of an auto accident?
If You Carry Minimum Liability Insurance
If you carry the minimum insurance requirement, your insurance will pay for the damages to the other person’s vehicle and their medical expenses up to the limit of your policy. Other than that you are pretty much on your own.
If You Carry Collision Insurance
If You Carry Collision Insurance, as the name implies, covers your vehicle if you are in a collision. It doesn’t matter who is at fault or whether the accident involved another vehicle or a fence post, you should be covered and your insurance should pay your expenses.
The exception to this is if you are struck by or strike an animal on the road.
If You Have Comprehensive Insurance
Neither Florida or any other state requires Comprehensive insurance at this time, but if your car is financed, it is more than likely that you will be bound by a loan agreement that will require you to carry comprehensive in addition to collision and the state mandated liability insurance.
The beauty of comprehensive insurance is that it covers most everything from fire to theft and from vandalism to foul weather (check our policy to see about natural disasters).
You will likely have to pay a deductible for all claims but you will be covered in the majority of situations.
False Medical Claims
The biggest danger, regardless of the type of insurance you have, is that a false medical claim will be brought against you. If that happens, life can become complicated.
Defending against a medical claim requires reviewing medical records, finding contradictory professional opinions, cross-examining medical witnesses and the investigation of the opposing party. Insurance companies know how all this works and are very good at protecting themselves, but it must be remembered that the keyword, in that statement, is “themselves”.
You are not their priority.
If you have been involved in a vehicular accident and become the subject of false medical claims, you are going to need professional and experienced representation to protect your rights.
Contact Brad Sinclair of Sinclair Law in Melbourne FL. Brad is an experienced personal injury lawyer who can advise you as to your best course of action in your situation. You don’t have to go at it alone.