If you are planning to attend this year’s Daytona Bike Week, be very careful about how your license plate is mounted on your bike. Once again, this issue is rearing its ugly head as thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts start filtering in to Daytona this weekend.
If you have a vertical tag, make sure it is on a fixed mount and you have a toll transponder on the bike. This transponder (one with batteries), has to be for the bike only, not one you have taken from your car. Also, the new stickers they have now are not allowed on motorcycles so don’t waste your time putting one of those on your bike.
A lot of new Harleys are coming off the showroom floor with horizontal tags that can flip up or to the side. These are not legal according to the Florida Statutes. I just talked to a guy last week in Orlando who got a fine for over $1,000 for this.
Ride safe and as always, if we can be of any help with these or other legal questions, feel free to contact us. We are here for Bikers.