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Biketoberfest 2013Every year I threaten not to make the short trip up I-95 to Daytona for Biketoberfest. Well, here I am again. After getting the RV ready and loading up the bikes, I have safely made it to motorcycle madness. Yes, there is a lot of traffic, yes, it is expensive, yes, it is still hot, and yes I will probably be wrenching on my bikes when I am up here. But as an avid motorcycle enthusiast and rider, the options are limitless to see bikes I have never seen before.

I love the crazy variety of bikes and the people that go with them. You name it, you will probably see it during this long weekend. People travel from all over the country to show off their bikes. If you know me, you know I like the old school original bikes. Bikes that have character from days gone by. Don’t get me wrong, some of the new bikes are pretty cool looking and are much more comfortable to ride than my ole antiques. Maybe one day I will buy one just to experience some comfort. Then again, maybe not. In the meantime, I am going to go and enjoy hanging out with my fellow bikers here in Daytona for Biketoberfest. I will try to give a recap when I get back.
