Very often, in these blogs, we discuss the issues that surround motorcycles and riding them safely. They are, by no means, the only two wheeled vehicles on the road, though. More and more often, people whether out of concern for the environment, their own fitness, or due to economic reasons, are choosing to take to the road on two wheels of a different sort. They are choosing to completely forego motorized vehicles and ride bicycles to work and on daily errands.
Despite the fact that a great deal of effort and money has been spent on educating the public about bicycle safety, there are many out there who still don’t realize that bikes are governed by the same traffic laws that apply to everyone else on the road, plus some created just for their own protection.
Though statistically accidents involving bicycles are fairly rare, compared to other types of roadway accidents, when they do occur they tend to involve more severe injuries to the cyclist.
If you are involved in an accident while riding a bike, only a personal injury attorney can help you determine who is responsible. However, your first concern should be determining if you are injured and, if so, how severely.
To help you with this, here are a few handy tips you should follow if you are involved in an accident while riding a bike.
1. Take a Few Deep Breaths
Pain inhaling or exhaling could be an indication of a cracked or broken rib. If untreated, you could run the risk of the rib puncturing a lung, a life threatening possibility.
2. Mash Your Belly
The abdomen houses most of your major organs, many of which are much more easily damaged than people realize. This is especially true if you should receive a sharp, sudden blow like you might receive from a set of handlebars or a bikes headset or stem.
Mash and probe your stomach and if there is any tenderness, seek medical attention immediately. Never ignore it if your stomach should become overly firm or swollen, even if there is no pain. These can be signs of internal bleeding.
3. Feel for Tingling
It may be difficult to detect, right after an accident, while your body is being pumped full of endorphins and adrenaline, but check for tingling in your extremities, paying particular attention to your fingers and toes.
That tingling could be nothing more than a light shock from the accident, but it could also be a sign of nerve or spinal damage. Neither one is something one wants to take chances with.
4. Check Your Neck
As with any accident, your neck can be subjected to incredible forces when you have an accident on a bicycle.
Slowly rotate your neck side to side and then tilt it front to back. If you feel any pain, stop immediately and seek advice from a medical professional.
As we stated at the beginning of this article, only a qualified personal injury attorney can give you legal advice if you are involved in a bike accident or receive any other injuries that might be someone else’s responsibility, but your primary concern in the immediate aftermath of an accident should be your health.
If you, for any reason feel that you may be injured, seek medical care immediately in order to protect your health. Then and only then should you contact a personal injury attorney to protect your rights.